Friday, May 15, 2009

gnar boots



i mean really... whats the point of dropping in?


cut throat said...

PJ actually left Laramie to skate?

sal paradise said...

who needs to drop in? I've never done it and you know how much fun I have on a board? Lots. shit, I don't even know how to ollie. does it bother me? barely at all!

honeswags said...

no he came down to watch people ride bikes in spandex.... more on this tomorrow. or see blood sucker fetus for a sneak peak


I rode my bike down to watch Collegiate Nationals Road Cycling, go for a few road rides AND skateboard.

Dropping in was scary, I haven't really been skateboarding much and I didn't really want to take the slam (plus,according to Willy, I don't have any self respect). So fuck it, pushing in the flat worked fine.

I was going to blog the adventure but my camera died the third photo I took. SWEET!

honeswags said...

PJ was pushing into lay back 5-0's over the hip. pretty epic