Sunday, May 3, 2009

Senior pics due May 8th.

This is what I am talking about... Get your act together and snap those senior pics.

-------------------in other news-----------------

Looks like the weather is going to be perfect this week. So I am going to ride bikes. You should come with.

Wednesday May 6th - OSO course backwards. It is such a fun ride I gotta do it again this week. Had a bunch of people say "oh man, I shoulda' gone with you guys", lucky for you you get another chance. Shake off that tequila hangover and come ride bikes. Nice leisurely pace this time (I have tennis practice) I'll make breakfast for whomever (comment below to RSVP so I know how much food to get). 10AM my house for horseshoes and breakfast, ride around noon again.

Have a radical week. See you on the streets.