made it to portland...... and so did my bike
picked out a "nook" and started the assembly
20 minutes later locked and loaded
called the dudes to meet up, they were at glenhaven skatepark 5 miles from the airport. here's PJ sitting on the railing.... the dudes were still super hurtin from the night before... more laying under trees than skate mission on this day
schyler got a 5-0 over the stairs in the shallow though... i realized it might have been a good idea to skate a little before the trip.
this is george. george does marketing stuff for Adidas skate. he was rad enough to put us up in portland. PJ and schyler had been here for 4 days or so... apparently they had been skating a little, drinking a lot and occasionally visiting portlands famous strip clubs. In this photo is seen thumbing a beer...... probably the raddest thing we learned the whole trip (PJ still can't do it) and he's been trying for 9 months or something.
schylers first successful "thumbed beer"
yeah dog.... handle it. during this thumbing george noticed something special.......
...schylers immaculate "flair tan". this photo is on of my many "behind the blog" photos. to see the photo check its georgs's super rad portland skate blog
slex stopped by on his way home to corvalis from seattle. He got right into the swing of things and thumbed a beer like he'd been doing it for years. slex kills, and i was stoked to see him (sorry for the bromance, but we go way back)
you should also check Its slex's and its way better than mine (he actually knows how to shoot photos) and he's got some good ones from this day on there. on a side note it was funny watching him, PJ, and George occasionally nerd off about cameras
after learning how to thumb beers and start wizard staffs we headed to the dude barn, a few blocks from georges house
at the dudebarn they have a killer ramp. George kills it
more on this and the effects of thumbing beers and wizard staffs tomorrow
So epic. At least you are on it on the blogging front. Want to burn me a cd of shit for the zine and lowcard or just steal them off of here?
What's your b-day plans?
I was at a bar last night and some random dude sits down at the bar and says to no one in particular, "Hey, anybody know if those dead deer guys ever made it to San Fran?"
and some other old dude at the bar was just like, "Maaannn, I wish I knew.."
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