Friday, July 11, 2008

PORTLAND to SANFRAN pedal skateboard fest 08

the following blogs will document my summer vacation. 6/21/08 i flew to portland, 7/9/08 i flew home from San Fransisco..... the following is what happened in between... this parrticular post is about my new bike and the days leading up to leaving....

new rig... surly's traveler check.. stoked

this is why i'm stoked...

S and S couplers


able to check on the plane.... free of charge. time to go to portland and meet up with schyler and PJ from excess zine

but first.....

MASHADAR cd release show....

fog, lights,.......


its not a good show if Curtis leaves his shirt on... dude was wearing flip flops
if you've never heard of them check them out at

best album of 08'

early the next morning at the shop getting my gear. got everything in the bag (bike, clothes, tent, mat, tools, extra skate parts... 3 of the 4 panniers) just carried on one pannier and my shred sled

as far as i'm concerned there is no reason to fly on a plane, start or end a trip for that matter, without a beer at the airport. who cares if its 9 in the morning, the beers 8 bucks, and you were up till 3 at a metal show? time to celebrate the trips beginning

see you in portland.....

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