so here a ton of photos i took of deer skulls that my dad had laying around(awesome). please feel free to steal these images and create a dead deer bike gang logo. whomever creates the logo will obviously get some of the shit we make with it for free!
think 70's biker gang. we are a bike gang after all.
or if anybody can come up with a logo another way please do so!
seriously! make us a logo so we can start rocking jean vests already!
drove to montana to see the family before the move to sf. here's some pics. nettles joined me on the road. pretty awesome times
bridger is my nephew and i'm not wasting any time spoiling him. here he is at the age of 2 shredding the bike i got him when he was born. the kid fly's on this thing, i'm gonna build him a fixed gear 20 inch soon
bend it like beckham
check the background. dads giving me a haircut on the backporch
Yesterday we loaded up a shipping container with 450 bikes a couple hundred wheels some new tires and chains along with three workstands bound for Ghana, Africa. The Village Bike Project in cooperation with the FC Bike Co-op and Dead Deer Bike Gang acquired all of these items over the past year. We take all of the bikes that are still in decent shape but don't really make the cut for Co-op refurbishing and send them to people that can use them. The average wage in Ghana is so low that a new bicycle costs a normal family about three months wages. The container we shipped will be divided up and half will be auctioned to local bike retailers while the other half will be given away free of charge to a village in Ghana.
and I found an old market sticker over there too...
free beer people. please come. I'm also moving on friday so this is kind of a going away situation. also feel free to steal this flyer and spread the word on the interweb
one ride, two creek crossings, three beers, bear prints, elk prints, a stream in the trail, mud, snow, flat tire, a couple climbs, a few close calls, first bike tracks of the year on it, an hourish ride turned into 3ish makes for one hell of a day.