this nut happens to be PJ and the blind squirrel was blood sucker fetus. We got em linked up to the right and the kids seem to be on top of the blog these days. nice work! now go check it out

man i wish i could make fun of him tomorrow at the race... Schuyler you better be out there kenny bloggins style
I bet he has a real pretty chamel toe in his mandex... go fast dude.
You missed a great opportunity to bust my balls. We got there late, it was in the mid 20's, I didn't warm up and then I forgot my inhaler in the van. I had an asthma attack 15 minutes into the race. DNF! Great start to the season if I do say so myself. You would have had fun laughing at me.
Sunday went much better. I got second in the first premium lap, and won the second one (that is something like 9 points right there). I blew it by going off a little too early and I got dropped out of the top five on the second to last lap. I finished 23rd out or 40 something. Way better than another DNF.
Hopefully once the weather warms up and I ditch this cold I can make dead deer proud.
sick dude... sorry i missed it
thanks for the shit.
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