Thursday, October 16, 2008

this is why you should wear a helmet to the race...

everyone had an awesome time at tour de fat, well except for PJ. after the all day booze and party fest PJ was biking to Road 34 and hit a speedbump in the dark..... he wasn't wearing a helmet.... had he been he wouldn't have gone to emergency room. he would have come to 34 and partied with the band

before the speedbump

after the speedbump... I was about 25 feet away and his head hitting the ground sounded like someone dropped a q ball

after walking PJ gets dizzy

he was in good spirits though.... so eric decided to shoot a new market ad

possible market ad

and kids the moral of the story...
wear a helmet

and yes i know i spelled wear, where in the last post. i'm not here to spell

p.s. happy now peej? and good luck on your test


Caio Paranhos said...



Look at that sweet double chin in the first picture. I guess I need to eat less and ride my bike more. Jesus.