in continuation of part two much fun... here's some more random pics from the cycle jerks gangbang over memorial day 08

this was the bachelorrete lady that found the square...... check the buzz bucket. I don't know why she got on my back as i was scribbling the answer... she did say she was on her third buzz bucket

this one writes itself.... Z was singing him poison songs but i don't think this dude got the joke

team merkin.... who woulda thought these dudes and chicks would win it. congrats!!

check it out drunk bums in bushes.... not sure if its worth points but.....

Z gets in there and shares a smoke "we better get points for this!!"

uh oh heres my bike... where am i?

this is me vomiting....

i'll be ok i guess (haven't yet noticed the blood streaming outta my elbow) This happened at about 4:30... Z turned right to avoid a car and i t-boned him..... flew in the air and landed chest first on his front hub.... i haven't had the wind knocked outta me like that since i was 7. once i got up outta the street and yelled at a random goth girl my mouth started to water... "my bodies freaking out... its preping to puke.. but i don't really need to!?" I was right and started puking

whose sneaking up on the ninja's now. they don't stand a chance

uh oh

I know it looks fun people but this was some rigorous work. look at all these maps. one of my favorite parts of the whole thing was the panic attack that would set in every time you went to check your map. it always seemed to be in the 3rd or fourth pocket you checked..... never the first.

this dude said his badge was personal space... "and there was no way in hell, we were invading it" Z goes gangster for the photo anyways
more later.....